Shift Change The Working Waterfront on San Diego Bay, A Photographic Essay by Ming C. Lowe, sponsored and published by The Unified Port of San Diego (2006.)
The inaugural exhibition opened at The Museum of Photographic Arts in Balboa Park June 22, 2006. Throughout 2006 the exhibition traveled to the Martitime Museum, The San Diego County Regional Airport, The Chula Vista Library South Branch, The Coronado Historical Association and The Museum of History and Art (Jan, 2007.)
Photographs were taken on Location at The Port of San Diego's 10th Avenue Terminal and National City Marine Terminal, BAE Systems San Diego Ship Repair, CP Kelco, Dixieline Lumber and Home Centers, Dole Fresh Fruit Co., General Dynamics NASSCO, H & M Landing, Knight & Carver YachtCenter Inc. Northrop Grumman Newport News Continental Maritime and Pasha Automotive Services.
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